Operational Objectives
Outline Prescription
1. To maintain the diverse open
water communities.
a) Routine biological and chemical
monitoring by experts.
b) Maintain the current strict control
over recreational activities.
c) Encourage a return to natural higher
water levels.
2. Monitor, protect and
enhance the
a) Observation.
b) Non intervention.
c) Promote awareness.
d) Re-excavate small dykes.
e) Negotiate fencing of Tarn edges with
neighbours to allow reed regeneration.
3. Manage colonising willow trees in the
reed-fen area.
a) Draw up a map of rotational areas.
b) Coppicing of willows in rotational
areas over four years.
4. Maintain and enhance habitat on
the Landings.
a) Produce a map of areas for rotational
cutting, each rotation five years.
b) Encourage scrub habitat rotationally
by not mowing.
c) Mow all other areas in rotation
d) Maintain scrub habitat on reedbed
e) Maintain an open pathway to the Tarn
5. Maintain and enhance grassland
habitat on the Hagg.
a) Mow/remove colonising scrub in
6. Involve local people in monitoring
education and interpretation.
a) Maintain the infilled area/catwalk to
continue the present level of access
to the Tarn.
b) Explore the designation of Urswick
Tarn as a Local Nature Reserve
c) Promote the use of the public area by
small groups for education.
d) Promote low key on-site
interpretation (walks and talks).
e) Invite surveys from experts (add to
the present level of knowledge).
7. Maintain subject to current controls,
existing recreational activities.
a) Continue with existing system fishing
8. Meet all legal and other obligations.
a) Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
b) Obey the law pertaining to common
c) Comply with Health and Safety at
Work Act.
d) Discuss beck clearance with
Environmental Agency. Seek to
minimise beck clearance and lowering
of water levels.