Taken from a high point on the drumlin on
which Bardsea
village is located and looking to the south west, this photograph shows the small
hamlet of Well House and the more distant ancient woodland of Sea
Wood. This 23.7 hectare woodland, which is designated as a Site of Special
Scientific Interest (SSSI), has a long history with evidence of it
having belonged to Lady Jane Grey. It stretches from the
shingle west shore of Morecambe Bay, off to the left of the
photograph, to its boundary with Birkrigg Common on the high ground
to the right. The wood's proximity to the shore provided the
means by which felled oak timber was floated at high tide to the ship
builders in Ulverston, 2.7 miles to the north. The woodland is
a rare example of where ancient broadleaf trees grow on
boulder clay that overlies limestone, the latter being well exposed
along the shore at the wood's eastern boundary. Sea Wood is
owned and managed by the Woodland Trust. Permissive pathways afford free access
the public.